Wednesday 28 July 2010


I attended what turned out to be the inaugural meeting of the Ashgove Residents association (which I had at the request of the residents and with the help of Councillor Dring, organised)
I was pleasantly pleased to see that after an initial period of bickering about a number of issues relating to the use of the common Room, late night parties and other issues the meeting settled down some what, following my request that personal differences should be dealt with by means of mediation through the Birmingham City Council.
I am sure with good will and a lot of effort from all sides this approach may succeed.

More importantly the issue of letters warning residents which were delivered though out the elderly resident’s complex, by the Housing department were discussed. (These were about residents anti social behaviour and caused much distress to innocent elderly residents).
It was acknowledged by a Council representative, it had been a mistake sending these letters and an apology would be given by the Council.
The Council officers also informed the meeting that the Common room will, as requested, continue to be for the use of residents on the complex and not turned into a community Centre for the wider community. This will go so way to make the residents on the complex feel more secure.
Finally officers admitted there had been a number of mistakes in the consultation with residents.
I am pleased that at the end of the day the Housing department and the other associated departments involved have acknowledged mistakes have been made and I hope things can now move on.

Councllor Barbara Dring and I also did our best to try and persuade all of those attending the meeting, to put their differences to one side and in the future work together to bring harmony once again to the Ashgrove Complex only time will tell if this is to be the case.

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