Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Both Councillor Barbara Dring and I have both been in contact with Councillor Ian Ward the Birmingham City deputy leader regarding the long term future of both Glenmead and Burford Road Playing Fields. He has been reminded that work is expected to start soon on replacing some of the fencing on the Burford Road site and that the Glenmead Road site has in the past had money spent on security fencing around its changing room facilities. We have also reminded him that while we (including Councillor Tristan Chatfield) understand Government cuts in Council funding has been unprecedented,  we need these playing fields as there is such limited open space in Oscott for its children to play on.
Many of you may recall some years ago following my campaign both sites were opened up for public use rather than be sealed for use only by schools. and left empty most of the time with children forced to play ball games on the street out side.

The outcome  of our discussions with the deputy leader is the fields will be maintained to the end of the the year.
He will be signing for the updating the fence on Burford Rd immediately for work to commence.
He will also looking for funding from Sport England and the FA for all weather pitches etc.
This is progress and good news as many have forgotten that there is the need for a long term strategy to improve these Playing field areas.
The 3 Oscott Councillors are  also continuing in the short term to get the current department responsible for these sites to improve the grass cutting on them despite the cuts they face in funding. The grass on these sites is due to be cut shortly

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