Wednesday 9 December 2015


For many months now Councillors Barbara Dring, Tristan Chatfield and myself have fought to improve the Kingstanding library.
I am pleased to let you know the Council has been  successful in obtaining £250k of funding from The Wolfson Foundation to undertake improvements to five children’s library facilities in the city, and that these improvements are scheduled for the new year.

Kingstanding library is one of the libraries that will be included in the investment programme which will include

• Capital works to improve each of the 5 libraries including i.e. decoration, new floor coverings, shelving, lighting, signage and furniture. The specifics of what is required will vary from site to site.

• Technology including ipad and android devices, plasma screens, photography, DSLR cameras

• Activities including a local history project on what it is like to be living in Birmingham and attending school in 2015-16.

It is intended to undertake the improvement programme and refurbishment work for Kingstanding library from 15th Feb – 4th March and the library would need to be closed for this period. If you want to know any more details please let me know.

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