Tuesday 22 November 2016


The Kingstanding Circle looks very sorry for itself these days. Many of the units are now empty including the chemist.
The owners of the precinct need to give it a revamp. The Council needs to see if there is anything they can do a residents need to use it more.
It is a great shame it is trapped between a large ASDA Store at the Queslett Road and large retailers near the Beggars bush.
 The problem of to many take always in the area has been partly addressed with the Planning Committee allowing a smaller percentage of these per shopping area but there does need to be more variety of shops. It is not easy for a trader to start up in these days of intense austerity however.

The last time it was given a real upgrade was when European funding was available for shopping area's some years ago. This was many used for near by pavement and safety work with the help of the then Traders Association.

I am trying to get the Council to look into the situation but with all the cuts in their funding from Central Government there are no easy solutions.

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