Thursday, 7 September 2017


As many Oscott residents are aware Both Councillor Dring and I live in the hart of the Oscott ward and know the area very well.
WE have got hundreds of all sorts of jobs carried out on behalf of the Oscott residents and we are so pleased we unlike some do not have to drive into the to try and get to know it.

Barbara and I often do walk about checking things out. Pot holes litter,and many other issues.
To us it is because we line in the area and is not just a stepping stone up the greasy path to the top in politics. We
care about Oscott and its residents.

Times are hard Tory cuts in our Councils funding ( which trickle down to Oscott) but we keep on going on your behalf
We cannot resolve all the issues we hear about and tell our friends neighbours and residents as much, but we do what we can to help.

If you or a neighbour have an issue you think we can help you with let us know and we will try and help if we can. We like you are Oscott residents.

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