Thursday 14 December 2017


At the last Oscott Ward Committee meeting Chaired by Councillor Barbara Dring Amey Highways confirmed a number of roads in the Oscott ward will have their trees as a result of the Labour Teams campaign foe more tree pruning and replacement in Oscott.

Sadly the recent bad weather has meant a delay to this work being done in some cases. I have asked that the work is carried out as soon as possible following the bad weather.

However this work is to be carried out. If you would like to know if your roads trees are to be pruned please email me

1700 HUNDRED TREES IN OSCCOTT ARE DUE TO BE PRUNED AND 200 DAMAGED OR DECEASED TREES WILL BE REPLACED as a result of the campaign by the Oscott Labour Team which is made up of your local Councillors ( we are both LOCAL RESIDENTS)

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