Thursday 14 February 2008


At long last the current Council Administration has acknowledged action is needed to stop accidents occurring on the Aldridge Road. According to their own statistics there have been 50 recordable accidents (injuries) between Booths Lane and Shady Lane in a 2 year period.

The Transportation department now intend introducing a series of Central pedestrian refuges on this stretch of road and also to introduce hatch markings and yellow lines.
I have asked that residents be given the opportunity to comment on these proposals but welcome them as a positive first step in the right direction.
However along with Councillor's John Cotton and Barbara Dring as well as a number of local community groups I will be continuing to press the Transportation department to look at the whole of the Aldridge road, especially the Greenholm Road junction, with an aim to introducing more badly needed road safety measures.


Anonymous said...

Nice website Cllr Linnecor.

Keep up the goodwork, the Aldridge Road certainly needs a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Aldridge road may require a lot of work,but Dyas road does not.No one can remember an accident in the area for 30+years.
The bus shelter move and the refuge proposals will not work and are not going to happen.
Come and see conceren resedents ASAP.