Friday 1 August 2008


At times as a member of the Planning Committee, it seems all we ever seem to receive is requests for more Hot Food Take ways. Nearly every week another shop disappears and Take Away establishment takes its place.
In many cases there is no problem with a shop converting to a Take Away, but with the amount there now are in some places, it does sometimes mean, some shopping parades are swamped with Take Aways to the detriment of the shopper.

The Birmingham Councils Planning Committee have asked its officers, to look into this issue, to see what exactly the situation is and to see if new policies are needed to address the ever increasing tide of new Take Away planning applications.


Anonymous said...

There are far to many take awys in the area. What is wanted is retail shops.

Anonymous said...

We do not need so many takeaways close together. There must be some blocks of shops where there are not any takeaways. These should be considered first.
Anyway I like your blog