Thursday 11 June 2009


I am a member of the Integrated Transport Authority (formally WMPTE) which basically oversees the operation of the WestMidland Public Transport system working with Centro.
The Councillors on this committee represent the various district like Birmingham and Coventry and so on. We are paid an allowance by the joint board. (THESE ARE PUBLISHED ON THE INTERNET)
As part of my duties on this committee I attend meetings of the full committee, the Business Improvement Committee and the Standards Committee. I am also my groups lead member shadowing communications.
As a Labour Group member I also attend pre authority group meetings. There are also a number of meetings to do with training and fact finding. Finally I meet with officers for updates on the communication portfolio and attend Birmingham Transportation users Forums.
However putting all this aside I most enjoy going round looking at issues across the WestMidland conurbation regarding public Transport.
If you have any issues related to Public Transport, Bus, Rail or Metro please contact me. 360 6486 and I will try and help.

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