Saturday 13 March 2010


The much maligned Ring and Ride Service is to recieve a £35 million boost over the next 3 years
The WestMidland Special Needs Transport (WMPNT) who are the charity which runs this service,will get this funding over the next 3 years from the West Midland Intergrated Transport Authority.
Ring and ride is a vital service for the elderly and those with mobily problems and given there is expected to be well over a million resident over the age of 60 in a few years time in the West Midland area int can not come to soon.
It may also go some way to repair the damage being done by the withdrawing of bus services like the 655, which elderly residents rely on. The cut backs in the bus route net work by the private bus companies, are likely to cuase a lot of problems and I for one will continue to resist them.

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