Wednesday 10 October 2012


Having witnessed on a number of occasions youngsters nearly getting run over when playing ball games in the street, I have long held the view this should be prevented.
I was pleased this being the case, when at the last Oscott Police Neighbourhood Tasking meeting, where I brought up this matter, the Police informed me they fully agreed.
 Officers will be now asking youngsters to play on the green open spaces in Oscott, when seen playing ball games in the street..
These sites include Glenmead Playing Field, Burford Playing Field (both have been kept open for the public) The King George Playing Field, The Aldridge Recreation Ground and (Perry Barr Park just on the edge of Oscott)
Playing ball games in the street these days is not only dangerous for children with the amount of cars using our roads but also annoying to many residents who have their gardens invaded or parked cars scratched.
The Police will try and keep an eye on youngsters using green spaces in the area and all those at the tasking meeting felt this should be the case.

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