Friday 20 February 2009


I was pleased to see that the Birmingham City Councils Street lighting section are getting on with installing the new street lights in Tresham Road. A couple of them are already working.
It is going to take a number of years at the current rate of funding to get anywhere near re lighting much of the Oscott Ward. It is a difficult job prioritising where the small amount of money we get each year goes, but thankfully in Oscottt we have always had a lot of help from members of the Oscott Ward Advisory Board and we have a good record on prioritising roads logically when it come to street lighting. So far we have also managed to keep politics out of the decision making as well?


Anonymous said...

I am very pleased that you have managed to get new street lights for Tresham Road, but when will they be in use?

Anonymous said...

The lights should be up an running over the next few weeks.