The Friends of the Queslett Nature Reserve held another successful litter pick on Saturday. Over 20 black bags of rubbish were removed from the site.
Members also joined with the Police to ask users of the reserve if they new anything about the resent attack on a dog and its owner in the reserve.
On the down side it has been noticed that some dog owners instead of taking their dogs mess home with them are getting it up with plastic bags and throwing the mess in the bags into near by bushes. The bags obviously do not bio degrade so this habit is making the situation worse. You can see how unpleasant this could be for young children playing in the bushes in the better weather.
Members also joined with the Police to ask users of the reserve if they new anything about the resent attack on a dog and its owner in the reserve.
On the down side it has been noticed that some dog owners instead of taking their dogs mess home with them are getting it up with plastic bags and throwing the mess in the bags into near by bushes. The bags obviously do not bio degrade so this habit is making the situation worse. You can see how unpleasant this could be for young children playing in the bushes in the better weather.
Dog owner please clean up after your dogs and take it away with you.
Along with the FQNR I am calling on the Council to provide more litter bins in the area. There needs to be some more either in the reserve or in roads approaching the reserve (suitably sited) and these bins need to be regularly emptied.
If you would like to become a member of the FQNR please ring 360 6486
Along with the FQNR I am calling on the Council to provide more litter bins in the area. There needs to be some more either in the reserve or in roads approaching the reserve (suitably sited) and these bins need to be regularly emptied.
If you would like to become a member of the FQNR please ring 360 6486