Friday 18 November 2011


Many residents in the Bowman Road , Caddick Road area of Oscott are furious that another planning application has been put forward for the area.
Only a few months ago a similar application for just a few hundred yards away down the road was rejected following a concerted effort by Local residents, a number residents groups and Local Councillors including myself.

Now the new application is prosing to erect a similar mast on a privately owned section of land just yards from homes in Bowman Road. I suspect as the mast is proposed for sighting on privately owned land this time it will be more difficult to stop.

Some 300 local resident have however signed a petition gathered by members of the Oscott Residents Association, The Booths Farm Neighbourhood Forum and individual residents. I have now as requested handed in this petition on their behalf to the Council.

I have also called on the Council to look at other Council open spaces in the area which are further away from peoples homes and to use any of the rent paid for the mast being on Council land being used to help local residents. They should also be looking more carefully at mast sharing to reduce the need for so many masts to be errected.

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