Thursday 4 February 2016


It was pleasing to see such a large turn out at the Oscott Schools Parking and Road Safety meeting yesterday. Most of the schools in Oscott sent a representative to discuss problems connected with parking nears schools and the associated road safety problems.

At this meeting which was very much an introductory meeting to air across the board concerns of those attending we  heard the concerns of not just the schools involved but also the Police and Fire brigade.
The Council sent officers to discuss new ideas concerning safer travel, youth activity and support for getting children and parents to use means other than cars to get to school.

A small working party of interested schools and other agencies is to be set up to look at possible ideas for a way to help solve the long term problem of parking around schools, which were put forward and it is hoped this will be input at the next full meeting (which is likely to happen after the Summer holidays.)

Also in the meantime the Police will be taking on board some of the comments made and the Transportation department will be pushing for the introduction of double curbing and yellow lines for Greenholm Road as well as looking further into what can be done to help in other areas.
 Clearly given the huge cuts in Council and Police funding by the Central Government there will be no easy quick fit solutions but at least a start has been made to try and ease the problems in the medium and long term. What little money that is still available to the various agencies will also be spent in a more coordinated way to try and reduce any duplication.

Those schools who could not get to the meeting will be given further opportunities to get involved and residents will be given an opportunity to give their views on the subject at a  Oscott Ward Committee (to be Chaired by Councillor Barbara Dring). The date of this meeting will be announced near the time (early spring?)

Once again I would like to thank all those who took the trouble to attend and for their contribution to an interesting meeting

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