Thursday 18 February 2016


The battle to get the Booths Lane re opened goes on.

Yesterday I attended a site meeting with members of the Booths Lane working party ( which includes local residents who are members of the Oscott Residents Association.) and a Transportation engineer from the Planning department.
Sadly there are still legal issues appertaining to the link between the Persimmons development and the Taylor Wimpey development..

It has to be remembered that however much we would like to re open Booths Lane these developers own the land and the road and negotiations with all parties is needed. This can be very frustrating but no amount of huffing and puffing and false promises can alter that fact.

There is to be a meeting between the developers and the Birmingham City Council Planning department shortly to try and move on the process.
It needs also to be remembered that for the first time in over 50 years when the road is complete it will go back into the hands of the Birmingham City Council who will be able to ensure this road is correctly maintained and there will be a link between the Queslett Road and Sandy Lane.

I would like to thank those who came out in the pouring rain to attend the site meeting.

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