Sunday 2 May 2010


Councillor Barbara Dring was contacted by a number of youngsters in the Oscott Ward a few years ago who asked if there could be a skate board facility for their use.
Barbara Took up the challenge and after holding a number of public consultations and receiving a large amount of correspondence mainly from young people, managed find a site for a skate board centre and the funding. With the agreement of other Councillors from different parties within the district it was decided to have a new skate Board placed at the Oscott End of Perry Barr Park. This will now complement a state of the art BMX track (to be built in a year or so) and will create a multi use complex for the benefit of the youngsters in Oscott and the surrounding area.
Baraba says
“this site has many advantages. It is on all the main bus routes which means youngsters from all over the Oscott area get to it easily, as they have done for generations. (It will save many of them a trip to town where they go in the various squares at the moment.).
This site has plenty of room . The site will have the security of passing Police vehicles on the near by main road as well as a park ranger.. It also has a big advantage in that it is not to close to where residents live which should help stop complaints about noise and so on.”

Well done Barbara I am sure the youngsters in the area will love this facility. Work is due to start on it this month. It is also hope when this initiative proves to be a success more funding may be given for similar ventures.

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