Friday 6 April 2012


There has been yet another accident at the junction of Greenholm Road, Thornbridge Road and the Aldridge Road this week.

It is time the Transportation department got their act together and sorted out this junction

If you type in Greenholm Road in the search space / page top left, you will see how hard I have campaigned to get something done at this junction ( with the help of residents and others) But despite my making a number of requests, handing in petitions and having site visits nothing apart from a couple of signs and pedestrian step overs I have managed to get put in over the years, has been done about this junction
It needs a traffic light system. There are elderly residents and a number of school children who have to cross over the Aldridge Road to consider.
Following this latest accident I have been in Touch with Transportation chiefs yet again asking for a traffic light system and other road safety measures on the Aldridge road like speed indicator signs and signage.
Will they listen this time. I will keep trying for the safety of those who use the road

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