Monday 18 August 2008


It was noticed again at the Oscott Residents meeting (Sat) that despite the fact the Police, Khalid Mahmmod MP, Councillors Barbara Dring ,Graham Green and myself turned up, the Transportation department were unable to find a representative to attend. (they did not attend the July Ward Committee either) I think this sums up the Current Councils attitude to Oscott at the moment.
If the Transportation department had sent an officer, they would have heard a number of complaints regarding Transportation issues in the Oscott area. The state of the concrete roads in the area, the lack of any real road safety works being carried out and the problems with parking on the pavements, in the area were just some of these complaints.

Apart from the non attendance by the Transportation department, it was not a bad meeting. A number of issues like, whether Wheelie Bins are a good idea and problems with the Police were discussed.

It us good to see the various Community Groups in Oscott working together and organising joint meeting and I was pleased to be asked along and to Chair the meeting for them.

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