Monday, 27 June 2016


                                                     The Stowell Road entrance has been left open

The Burford Road entrance has been sealed for the moment

The Burford Road entrance to the Burford Road playing field has been sealed off due to pressure from some local residents. There have been a number of complaints regarding some  abusive parents of some of the children using the site for organized football sessions ( but usually full scale none organized training sessions). There have also been a lot of  complaints regarding anti social parking.
The Police have limited numbers of officers to deal with parking issues of this nature.

However all three Oscott Councillors have insisted the Stowell Road entrance be left open for the use of those wishing to use the field.

The Burford Road entrance should go through a period of assessment to see what effect the closure have. It may be reopened in the future.?

The Kingstanding Entrance is opened during times when the field is being paid for by clubs using the site. Parents are urged to park at that entrance.

There is a petition going around requesting that the field is kept open for the public in the future and I am more than happy to FULLY  support this.

Rumours that the site will be closed are not currently on the agenda and should this ever be considered I would fight the proposal tooth and nail.

What is  being considered should funding become available is having a small section of the field sealed off for school children to use or better still,  Councillor Barbara Dring (with the support of Councillor Chatfield and myself ) is working hard despite difficult legal implications for a village green status to be given to the site.

This site is the only green area for some distance and it is badly needed by local residents. I would ask all who use it to respect others and take litter and dog mess home with them.

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