Sunday, 26 June 2016


The Euro Referendum is now decided. The people have had their say.

There should now be no gloating or despair and all residents should pull together for the sake of the country and get on with what ever comes our way.

I also hope that the residents of Oscott and Birmingham will take more notice of what is happening to local government.
 The huge cuts in funding to Local Councils by the government, the attempts to destroy local accountability by their Boundary Commission's proposed boundary changes and so on.

I hope residents who took such a justified interest in the Euro Referendum will transfer some of that interest to local issues.

I also hope we Councillors will take more note of the views of residents ( and that applies to MPs as well).

I cannot promise Oscott residents the earth but I will continue to listen ( perhaps not always agree) and to do what I can to try and help with local issues and concerns.
Things are going to continue to be tough and we will see more cuts, but we must do what we can to mitigate the worst of their effects.

I would  like to thank all those who voted in the referendum which ever way that may have been.

 I would welcome any support any Oscott residents may wish to give me to try and make things better in Oscott.

If you have any issues or concerns you think I may be able to help you please email me and I will do what I can to try and help.

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