Sunday 2 October 2016



Why large old street trees need to be heavily pruned and a sensible long term tree repayment is needed.

In my view

Most resident like street lined trees as they are aesthetically pleasing and help reduce pollutants and carbon dioxide.

 However sadly a number of residents a turning against them because.

Many are overgrown and not pruned enough and are allowed to grow far too big.

Over large tree canopies often block out residents light making it difficult for them to get much needed health giving sunlight when in their gardens.

Tree branches are often touching resident’s home effecting, roof tiles, paint work, guttering and satellite installations.

Large tree roots are affecting residents block paving, walls, pipes and the pavement near their home.

The pavement problems are causing trips and injury.

In some cases health particularly lung infections are caused by access pollen and so on from these overgrown trees.

Due to the shear amount of leaf fall pavements are becoming a trip hazard and drains are becoming blocked which can cause flooding.

Overgrown large trees often have large branches which fall off in light winds and this can damage cars and could even cause accidents.

What is needed is for trees to be more heavily pruned (not pollarded) and replaced slowly and steadily by new trees of a more suitable variety. While new trees are growing they will cost less to maintain.

I would also force big developers who are destroying large amount of trees across the city to pay for suitable plots of land where trees can be planted as replacement for those being lost from private land.

In my view we need those who maintain our trees to do more and those who set the policies regarding trees both locally and nationally to take this matter seriously.

Like many others I care about our street trees but want something done to improve them for the future and this is the reason my campaign to get something done about this issue will go on even though it may not be fashionable in some eyes.

Oscott residents can discuss this subject as part of  the next ward meeting Oct 5th at the 610 Community Centre at 7pm.
Should you agree please contact your own Councillors and MP.

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