Wednesday 30 August 2017


As Local residents as well as Oscott Councillors living in Oscott , both Councillor Barbara Dring and I are only to aware many residents have issues with parking on grass verges.

Over the last few years for example we have helped a number of residents who have requested No Parking on the grass verge signs obtain one.
We have also managed in suitable spots like the Aldridge Road near the College, Bandywood Road near Kingsland Road school and near the Shady Lane junction with Kings Road, had double curbing introduced.

Parking on Grass verges is not an easy matter to deal with and can be expensive to sort out. However given the state of some of the grass verges in the area and the way some road junctions pavement areas for that matter are parked on we want to try and do something to ease the problem

However thanks partly to our constant requests the Transportation department have been given 1 Million pound to spend to help deal with the issue across Birmingham over the last few years and Oscott like all the other wards in the city will be given a small (considering the problem) pot of money to try and ease the problem. We are not pretending like some there is an easy way of dealing with the problem and we would like to hear from Oscott residents their views. We would like to know which roads possible other than you own are of concern.

You can let us know by leaving a message on 0121 303 2039 ( please leave your contact details)
or you can email me.

We cannot make any promises but every suggestion will be considered.

Also See April 10th post

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