Tuesday 18 January 2011


A local resident has informed me there has been another car crash in Kettlehouse Road recently, despite the new speed indicator signs. This is very sad news. However as I have indicated on other posts on this blog I have not given up trying to get the current Council Administration too improve the Road safety of Kettlehouse Road and Bandywood Road. Speed indicator while being helpful are not the be all and end all when it comes to safe guarding this road.

In fact as recently as Thursday 25th November last year with the support of Councillor Barbara Dring,( the only other Oscott Councillor who turned up) at the Perry Barr Constituency meeting help at the Old Oscott Community Centre, I expressed my disappointment that the Council had rejected a petition calling for further road safety measures in Kettlehouse Road. I also insisted the matter be kept on the agenda as can be seen in the minutes of that meeting.

Following this latest accident I have been in touch once again with senior Transportation engineers and the Councillor with cabinet responsibility for Street Services (the man who hold the purse string) Councilor Timothy Huxtable (con) asking them to review the situation urgently.
I have also been informed that there is some doubts about the correct calibration of the speed indicator sign in Kettlehouse Road and I have asked this to be looked at as well.

The battle goes on.

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