Monday 2 November 2009


Kettle House Road and Bandywood Road have also seen more than thee fare share of road accidents over the last few years. But yet again the Current Council administration will take no action in introducing sensible traffic calming measures. As a local resident said to me recently "why is it Kingstanding and other areas can get things like mini islands to slow the traffic down and yet we can not?".
I may be wrong I admit, but I think those islands were put in during the life time of a previous administration?
I have handed in petitions and and put in numerous complaints but to no avail. But be assured I will continue to try and get the Transportation department to take up its responsibility to its residents.
I will also be asking the Police to look at using the community speed watch equipment (which will be paid for by the Oscott Ward Committee next year) in the Kettlehouse Road area.


Anonymous said...

I agree something needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having a go. We know you will do what you can despite the Tories.

Ted and Mary