Thursday 4 February 2010


I attended a meeting of the Oscott Housing Liaison Board tonight to discuss the future of the Board. The HLB is made up of Council tenants and owner occupiers and Councillors, who try and work to improve their local community and look after Council tenants interests. It is over seen By Housing Officers.
Sadly the meeting ended in dead lock when residents either abstained or rejected Housing officers instructions to change how the meeting is run. The sticking points are how quickly a new AGM should be organised and how to organise the membership of the board.
Sadly over the last year or so many residents on the HLB feel they are not been taken seriously and that the constitution of the board is being used against the best interest themselves and those they represent. Also other motives seem to have been introduced to the meetings recently.
Most if not all the residents agreed with my view that after officers have failed to organise the last 3 meetings correctly rather than rush into organising a 4th meeting (they are not cheap to organise) which could be as badly organised as the last 3, time should be taken to consider the best way forward. One Oscott Councillor wished to organise an AGM regardless of the veiws of the residents present.
Unfortunately this leaves the HLB in limbo unable to make decisions for the moment.

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