Saturday 15 October 2011


Sadly due to Council duties I had to miss the last Oscott Housing Liaison Board AGM meeting, which is something I very rarely do. (Note HLB :this is where tenants and other sections of the community get together to discuss issues in order to help the local area improve).

The latest situation regarding the HLB is as far as I can understand it, is that Housing officers decided to close down the HLB, despite the meeting was quorate.
All sorts of figures regarding the attendance of the meeting are being thrown about but it is clear that there were enough tenants and so on for the HLB to be formed.

What is to happen is that the Council officers are going to work with what appears to be their own choice of small groups of tenants and through them decide how to spend any funding which the HLB may have received to distribute in the community.?

What comes across time and time again is the Housing departments dislike of HLB members who have independent thoughts and idea's which do not match up with the Housing departments. It appears in the face of it to be a case of if your face does not fit?
Councillor Barbara Dring and I are looking into this issue which does seem very strange on the face of it.

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