Monday 12 November 2012


The Oscott Ward Advisory Board which I am pleased to be allowed to chair met  for the last time this year, last week.
As many of you know the Board has been a main player in Oscotts working with both local Community Group leaders and other agencies, such as the Police, Fire Service, Education, Bandywood Famulies project, Age Concern and so on.

Together they have looked at numerous applications for Oscott Limited Community Chest funding and their advice and contributions  has been invaluable.
Already this year 75% of the funding available has been used and the other 25% is allocated. In this Oscott as usual leads the field.
Sports Groups, Children, Older people the Young Families the Environments and Anti Crime initaives are just some of  the many things to benifit, from the Oscott Community Chest. We could have done with 10 times as much as we were given

Last week the Oscott WAB heard about a number of the successful projects and had feed back from them. This information will now go before the Oscott Ward Committee (the 3 Oscott Councillors and members of the Local Community and  chaired by Councillor Barbara Dring,) on December 6th.

The work done by the Oscott WAB members is excellent and free of the bickering and self interest sometimes associated with attempts to engage the local community in some areas of the city.

Here in Oscott we intend to keep our WAB and the excellent members who are on it. Other areas may decide to look for other ways to encourage genuine communication for what ever reason and we wish them well but I think if a system a'int broken dont change it.

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