Wednesday 28 October 2015


I am currently trying to organise the next meeting of the Booths Lane development working party.
This is made up of the developer Taylor Wimpey ( a senior Director and his team), BCC  Planning Transport Engineers and Local Community Representatives. The date for the next meeting is due to be set for next month

The aim of the working party is try and iron out problems caused by the development on the Booths Lane site.
We have managed to help with issues like delivery details, the mud on the road and noise issues. We have also ensured walking access has been maintained from the Queslett Road side of the site to Sandy Lane.

However the big sticking point is as we all are aware the opening of the Booths Lane. I have been working closely with the Birmingham City Council who have been trying to sort out legal implications and progress has been made in that direction. However Taylor Wimpey are concerned about issues like the safety of road users and other health and safety concerns.
It must be remembered this development and the road within  it is PRIVATELY OWNED by Taylor Wimpy and although local residents representatives and myself may continually cajole them, they have the decision in their hands when to open up the road. Clearly this road needs to be re opened ASAP.

Taylor Wimpey have agreed to distribute an information leaflet regarding the up to date position on the development and road.

When the road is finished it will be handed to the BCC for adoption and it will become a part of the official road net work.

I would like to thank all those Community Representatives who have given their time to help the local community to try and resolve with Taylor Wimpey issues related to the Taylor Wimpey development. It is not an easy process.
 I also think there should be a big thank you to those who are effected by the current Booths Lane road closure for their patience in waiting for this matter to be sorted out.

If you have any concerns you wish me to pass on please email me. leave a message on 303 2039

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