Thursday 6 September 2012


At a meeting with the Police and Local Oscott Residents the question of railing being erected around the section of the Kingstanding Island (near the Kentucky Fried Chicken) was raised again re lack of progress.
The hold up is the process in getting the railings from the Councils Transportation department.
(the railing are needed to supplement the yellow lines to prevent vehicles being parked at the edge of this island)

The ok for these railings requires the request going before 3 Transport Committees yes 3 all of which can scupper the idea..
This is complete madness especially when you realise money can be found for these railings. This is a matter of road safety, the Police are fully on Board as are many local residents. It is only a matter of time before someone has a serious accident caused by vehicles including vans and lorries parking at this spot.

I have taken up this issue with Council Chiefs not only the need for railings in Oscott but also a need to change the process in getting road safety measures put in place.

See also related posts 2nd Augustand 30th June

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