Tuesday 4 September 2012


The continuing battle to stop the National Grid (British Gas) digging up Templeton Road goes on.
Letters have been sent to Templeton Road residents informing them British Gas intend to dig up their road.
However unlike the majority of roads in the area, Amey  (the private contractor awarded the 25 year contract by the last Council administration to upgrade our roads) have done a really good job upgrading the carriage way and pavements in Templeton Road.
This work was carried out only last year and when I heard again of the National Grid  attempting to dig up the road (AGAIN)I contacted Council Chiefs to warn them.
Section 58 of the road work act says a council must be notified of any planned work following improvements to a road within 2 years. This has not happened (again) and the Council may have to serve notice on British Gas. Only emergency work is permitted where a road has been upgraded.
In many roads in the Oscott area there are holes and trenches been dug and many seem to be left for weeks on end without much happening. Work that is needed should be done much more quickly and the pavements put back to a good standard.
 I have asked Amey to monitor closely any reinstatement work carefully

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